Special Student

What is a special student or individual student?

You are a student who is not regularly enrolled in PPGLetras and is not a student in any other Postgraduate Program (Masters / Doctorate), but who wishes to attend PPGLetras.

The student will need to present papers and projects proposed in the course and will have the same obligations as students who entered the Master or Doctorate Selection Process.

What are the steps to enroll as a special student?

  1. Seek information on the subjects to be taught during the period;
  2. E-mail the teacher responsible for the course stating interest in being a special student;
  3. If the teacher accepts, take to the PPGLETRAS office:
    1. Printing the confirmation email;
    2. Copy of Identity;
    3. Copy of CPF - if the identity does not have this information;
    4. Copy of Undergraduate Diploma (Front and Back);
    5. Form and Fee (non-UFPE server) by discipline

How many subjects can I take as a special student?

There is no subject limit that can be taken as a special student. However, only two subjects per term can be taken. If a student wants to study 10 (ten) subjects, for example, he / she must take two subjects in 5 (five) periods.

Can I take the courses taken as a special student?

Yes. Up to a maximum of 2 (two) subjects.

Listening Student

What is a listening student?

It is the student who only wants to attend the classes that will be taught in a subject of PPGLETRAS. The absences will not be computed and the student is not required to present the proposed projects.

What are the steps to attend class as a listening student?

This type of student does not need to enroll, so just send an email to the teacher who will teach the course in the chosen period informing your desire to be a student listener. In case of approval by the teacher, the student will be able to attend the classes.

How many subjects can I take as a listening student?

There is no discipline limit in this case.

Can I take the courses taken as a listening student?

It is not possible to take advantage of courses taken as a listener.

Credit Utilization

"§1º In the case of revalidation, the credits obtained in the master's or doctorate courses of PPGL / UFPE will be valid for 05 (five) years for use, both for the master's and doctorate, counted from the end of the period in which A maximum of 24 (twenty-four) master credits for the doctorate and 16 (sixteen) master's degrees will be used. Requests for revalidation will be sent to the applicant's advisor for analysis and comparison of the programs. , and the program collegiate to approve the requests. "

What is the use of credits?

It is the incorporation in the student's history of credits that were paid in another masters / doctorate or as a special student at UFPE.

What is the procedure for applying for credits?

The student must bring to the PPGL secretariat the history and syllabus of each subject they wish to take. It will not be necessary to present the History and Program of the subjects if the student attended PPGL.

University Degree

Documents required for issue - 1st copy

  1. Act of Defense of Dissertation or Thesis;
  2. Minutes of Degree - for students who defended until 12/07/2017;
  3. ID card;
  4. CPF;
  5. Birth Certificate | Wedding | Divorce;
  6. Proof of electoral discharge;
  7. Graduate Diploma (Front and Back);
  8. Nothing statement and deposit receipt for dissertation / thesis at central library.

Documents required for issue - 2nd copy

  1. Act of Defense of Dissertation or Thesis;
  2. Minutes of Degree - for students who defended until 12/07/2017;
  3. ID card;
  4. CPF;
  5. Birth Certificate | Wedding | Divorce;
  6. Proof of electoral discharge;
  7. Graduate Diploma (Front and Back);
  8. Nothing statement and deposit receipt for dissertation / thesis at central library;
  9. Justification of the interested party for dispatch of the duplicate;
  10. Proof of payment of union payment slip - R$ 75,00
  11. Obs.: On the front of the diploma will be the term "2nd copy"
  12. To generate the GRU access the address below with the following data::
  13. https://consulta.tesouro.fazenda.gov.br/gru/gru_simples.asp Unidade Gestora: 153098
    Gestão: 15233
    Código de Recolhimento: 28832-2 – SERVIÇOS EDUCACIONAIS
    Número de Referência: 15309830399992
    Valor: R$ 75,00
    Competência e Vencimento: Não é necessário informar
    Contribuinte (Depositante): Informar nome e cpf do requerente
    CLICK “EMITIR GRU”, then print the Bank slip and pay at any Banco do Brasil branch.
    Documents Required for Dispatch of Diploma in Cotutela The required documentation for diploma issuance (1st copy) added to the student's agreement or term of adhesion or agreement; Average deadline for the diploma to be ready: 9 months

Can I request urgency in issuing the diploma?

Yes. To this end, attach along with the documents listed above the justification for urgency

How to submit the documentation?

Send the documentation checked with the original by a UFPE employee or notarized to diploma.ppgl@gmail.com

Registration Bond

What is the enrollment bond?

It is the enrollment made by students who fulfilled the credits but did not defend their dissertation / thesis.

Where bond registration is performed?

It is held at GIS @ in the calendar released by PROPESQ.

It is the duty of the PPGL to enroll the student bond?

No. Each student is responsible for their enrollment.


"Art. 10 The Master course will have a minimum duration of 12 (twelve) months and a maximum of 24 (twenty four) months and the Doctorate course, minimum duration of 24 (twenty four) months and a maximum of 48 (forty) months. and eight) months, from the month / year of initial enrollment in the course to the month / year of effective dissertation or thesis defense. §1º In exceptional cases, duly justified and with the opinion of the advisor's agreement, students may ask the board: I. at the end of the term for completion of the course, extension for up to 6 (six) months for the master's degree, and 12 (twelve) months for the doctorate;"

What is Extension?

An extension of the course completion time.

What is the procedure for requesting extension?

The student should, together with his / her advisor, make a written request to the program board informing the extension time.

Does the student continue to receive a scholarship if the extension is granted?

If you receive the scholarship from the beginning of the course it will no longer receive it.