
1 Structural and historical description and analysis of languages ​​

Synchronic and historical studies of the phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical and textual levels of natural languages in different theoretical perspectives, with an emphasis on Brazilian Portuguese and indigenous languages. Studies on variation, typology and linguistic contact.

Faculty :
Cláudia Roberta Tavares Silva, José Alberto Miranda Poza, Marcelo Amorim Sibaldo, Medianeira Souza, Stella Telles, Vicente Masip

2 Discourse Analysis

Discourse studies dedicated to the investigation of the senses in different theoretical perspectives: dialogical analysis, critical analysis and discourse analysis of the French line. This line brings together projects that, based on linguistic materiality, discuss the production and circulation of discourses in different spheres and in social work relations, considering the constitutive relationship between language, subjects, ideology, history in the production of meanings.

Faculty : Evandra Grigoletto, Fabiele Stockmans De Nardi, Maria Cristina Hennes Sampaio, Siane Gois Cavalcanti Rodrigues, Iran Ferreira de Melo, Fernanda Correia Silveira Galli, Sonia Virgínia Martins Pereira.

3 Textual-discursive studies of social practices

Investigation of the interactional processes involved in social practices and analysis of the strategies used in textual-discursive processing, with a view to the construction of meaning. The researches adopt complementary theoretical positions, such as the perspective of text linguistics, critical discourse analysis, theories of textual genres, functionalism and discursive sociointeractionism for the treatment of issues related to textual organization, functionality, sociocognition, and socio-cultural context, both in situations face-to-face and virtual interaction.

Faculty : Antônio Carlos dos Santos Xavier , Kazuê Saito Monteiro de Barros, Medianeira Souza, Suzana Leite Cortez, Sonia Virgínia Martins Pereira.

4 Analysis of language practices in the teaching field

Analysis of language practices in the language teaching-learning process. In this line, investigations are developed, in different theoretical perspectives, related to: teacher training; evaluative practices; analysis / preparation of teaching material; applications of digital communication technologies, hypertext, multiple literacies, and multimodality.

Faculty : Antônio Carlos dos Santos Xavier, Evandra Grigoletto, Fabiele Stockmans De Nardi José Alberto Miranda Poza, Júlia Maria Raposo Gonçalves de Melo Larré, Kazuê Saito Monteiro de Barros, Maria Cristina Hennes Sampaio, Siane Gois Cavalcanti Rodrigues., Suzana Leite Cortez, Rosiane Maria Soares da Silva Xypas, Clécio Bunzen dos Santos Junior.

Theory of Literature

1 Literature, society and memory

Study of the relationship between literature and social formation: processes of production and reception of literary work. Literary text and lived experience at the interface of individual and collective memory. Organization and analysis of documentary and literary collections, critical text editing.

Faculty : Alfredo Cordiviola, Anco Márcio Tenório Vieira, Brenda Carlos de Andrade, David Pessoa de Lira Ermelinda Ferreira, Eduardo Cesar Maia Ferreira Filho, Juan Pablo Martin Rodrigues, José Alberto Miranda Poza, Karine Rocha, Lourival Holanda, Oussama Naouar, Roland Walter, Fábio Andrade, Yuri Jivago Amorim Caribe

2 Literature and Intersemiosis

Study of the relationships between literature, other artistic manifestations, and information and communication technologies. The notion of Art and the intersection of languages, codes and resources. Analysis of the challenges proposed by the means of production, supports and technologies that are emerging or in progress in the contemporary world.

Faculty : Ermelinda Ferreira, Anco Márcio Tenório Vieira, David Pessoa de Lira, Dario de Jesus Gomez Sanchez, Fábio Andrade, Yuri Jivago Amorim Caribe

3 Literature and Cultural / Post-Colonial Studies

Study of cultural representations in literary texts. Culture as a discursive negotiation of practices, forms and power relations between the local and the global, the past and the present. Formation of identities and different locations (race, ethnicity, class, gender, etc.) of the subject and their relationship with biota.

Faculty : Alfredo Cordiviola, Brenda Carlos de Andrade, Ermelinda Ferreira, Juan Pablo Martin Rodrigues, Karine Rocha, Lourival Holanda, Oussama Naouar, Ricardo Postal, Roland Walter, Yuri Jivago Amorim Caribe, - Imara Bemfica Mineiro

4 Comparative literature

Comparative study of literary texts at the national and international levels with the aim of discussing similarities and differences between styles, times, literary movements, authors, specific themes.

Faculty : Alfredo Cordiviola, Brenda Carlos de Andrade, Anco Márcio Tenório Vieira, Dario de Jesus Gomez Sanchez, David Pessoa de Lira, Ermelinda Ferreira, Eduardo Cesar Maia Ferreira Filho, Juan Pablo Martin Rodrigues, José Alberto Miranda Poza, Lourival Holanda, Ricardo Postal, Roland Walter, Fábio Andrade, - Imara Bemfica Mineiro